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The Pilot Light When Out On My Furnace. What Do I Do?

Written on: April 20, 2021

heating service new yorkIf you have an older gas furnace, one problem you may encounter over the course of a long heating season is a burned-out pilot light.

The primary cause of most pilot light failure is wind or drafts (see below). But there are other reasons that could be causing the pilot light to go out that require professional HVAC service to fix.

Causes Of Pilot Light Issues

Larger problems that could result in pilot light outage include:

Wind And Drafts

Most pilot lights simply blow out; luckily, this is one of the easiest problems to fix. Follow the steps below to reset your pilot light. PLEASE NOTE: Always follow manufacturer’s instructions if they say something different than below.

Need expert heating service in the Hudson Valley? Trust the pros at Downey Energy. Contact us today to learn more about heating maintenance in Dutchess County, Orange County, Putnam County and northern Westchester County.