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How To Choose A Whole House Propane Backup Generator

Written on: September 29, 2020

buying a generator new york

With severe weather becoming more common these days, power outages have become a threat in every season here in New York State. In fact, power outages happen nearly twice as often as they did 10 years ago.

With that kind of unpredictability, it’s a good idea to be prepared for anything weather-wise – and one of the best ways to do that is with a propane whole house generator.

We’ve talked recently in our blog about the peace-of-mind benefits of whole house generator – but how do you choose one that’s right for your needs and home? Here are a few factors to consider:

Factor 1: Size

The size of the generator you will need depends on two things: how big your home is, and what do you want to power during an outage. Together, these make up the load your whole house generator needs to meet.

A good way to think about the electrical load in your home is to break your usage down into two categories:

Generators come in a wide range of capacities, and prices vary accordingly. A small, easy-to-place 8 kilowatt (kW) unit, for example, can operate power essentials such as lights, refrigerator, TV, and other small appliances. A large 25 kW generator, on the other hand, can easily run an HVAC system in addition to those items.

Factor 2: Space, placement, and installation

Whole house generators can be larger than the outdoor unit of your central A/C, depending on the power output – so you’ll need space to place it. Whole house generators also need to be near a source of electricity, and must be placed according to local flood, noise and electrical codes – which is why it has to be installed by a professional.

Factor 3: Cost

Stand-by propane generators range in price between $3,000 to $10,000 or more, depending on the size and capacity of the unit. The more you want to power, the higher the price.

Avoid severe weather power outages this fall and winter with a propane backup generator, expertly installed by the pros at Downey Energy. Contact us today to hear more about backup generator installations in Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, and northern Westchester counties.

Already have a backup generator? Make sure it’s filled up and ready for the fall and winter seasons! Contact Downey to schedule a propane delivery today.